Concept of Rights: Conventional Theories of Rights: one-liners notes

• The Concept of rights is a dynamic concept. • Negative and Positive Right:  • Negative Rights: these rights suggest the sphere where the state is not permitted to enter. • Freedom of thought and expression implies that the state shall not impose any restriction on individual's thought and expression, it will be described as there negative rights. • Positive Rights: prescribe the responsibility of the state in securing rights of individuals. • The state shall provide universal education to promote its citizens' faculty of thoughts and expression, it will be described as their positive rights. • Conventional Theories of Rights:  • (a) Theory of natural rights • (b) Theory of moral rights • (c) Theory of legal rights  • (d) Historical theory of rights and  • (e) Social-welfare theory of rights • Theory of Natural Rights: • Theory of natural rights represents an early expression of the liberal perspective on rights.  • It was very popular in 17th and 19th centurie...

Expected Questions on justice : Part- 2

         Expected questions on Justice

1. Which one of the following features of Legal Justice has been wrongly listed? 

Ans: Legal justice  has  no relationship with punishment

2. The dimensions of legal justice are determined by: 

Ans: Constitution and statutes 

3. Which one of the following does not fail within the dimensions of social justice? 

Ans: Adjustment of society's interests  to  ensure individual happiness 

4. Political justice is ensured by: 

Ans: Political  parties 

5. Economic dimensions of justice have been emphasised by: 

Ans: Socialists

6. The Parliament and the Constitution are instruments of: 

Ans: Legal Justice

7. The view  that there  is close  relationship between Justice and Equality is attributed to : 

Ans: Socialists 

8. Which one of the following attributes of Justice has been wrongly listed below? 

Ans: Justice has a relation with equality 

9. In the political shpere justice consists in: 

Ans: Giving share to all  persons  in the administration of their country 

10. In the economic sphere justice implies: 

Ans: The basic needs of all  the people  must be met 

11. The history of political philosophy is the history of quest for: 

Ans: Justice 

12. The idealist theory of Justice, which emphasised the moral element of justice, was first of all propounded by:  

Ans: Plato 

13. Aristotle speaks of two types of justice one, particular justice and the other: 

Ans: Political Justice 

14. The view that there is close relationship between justice and equality is attributed to: 

Ans: Socialists 

15. Socially, to Plato, Justice meant that: 

Ans: A class should do its work in social carde or political plane to which it was called by its peculiar properties 

16. Which one of the following institutions gives shape to the dimensions of justice?

Ans: The Constitution, The Parliament, The Courts 

17. Kautilya is associated  with the exposition of : 

Ans: Deterrent Theory of Justice 

18.  "Eye for eye and tooth for a tooth" is the guiding principle of: 

Ans: Retributive theory of justice 

19. Which theory of justice is based on the principle 'kill the sin and not the sinner ?

Ans: Reformative Theory 

20. Which aspect of justice was emphasises by the Greeks?  

Ans: Moral

21. In which book Plato elaborated his theory of justice? 

Ans: Republic

22. The Retributive Theory of Justice is rooted in: 

Ans: The principle of revenge 

23. According to Earnest Barker, justice is: 

Ans: A matter of  human relations which change  and  grow  in  the  process  of time  with  changes  of  social  thought, and  it adjusts  itself  and changes accordingly 

24. Which one of the following states is most conducive to justice? 

Ans: Democratic State 

25. The modern state tries to ensure justice to its citizens through: 

Ans: Maintenance of system  of  law courts 

26. Constitution is an instrument of: 

Ans: Legal Justice 

27. The denial of right to a particular section of society in the lawmaking and making process is a violation of the principle of: 

Ans: Political Justice 

28. Who pleaded for the harmonization of individual and collective interests? 

Ans: Liberal writers of 20th century


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